Digital public relations is recognized as one of the very important concepts raised with the digitized world. This concept, which arises as a result of the evolution of life towards digital, refers to a situation where problems are eliminated and risk management is carried out with the light of digital tools. Digital public relations, one of the most preferred options for corporate brands and organizations with growth goals, is a necessary alternative to ensure online visibility. Because it is not considered possible for a brand that has lagged behind in digitalization to achieve success. Digital public relations, which has become one of the most important issues of recent years, is the basis of this study. In particular, it was desirable to focus on the development and use of the concept. It will be very valuable to make sense of digital public relations, which is the most important element of digital transformation, with this work.
Digital Public Relations Or E-PR - Dijital Halkla İlişkiler veya E-PR © 2021 by Murat Sezgin - Ramazan Kaya is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International 

Digital Public Relations, Risk Management, Digital Transformation, E-PR