The media regulatory bodies established through legislation significantly impact journalism, press, media, and freedom of thought in Turkey. The issue of press freedom has been frequently brought to the forefront since the establishment of the first regulatory body through legislation. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of the history, functioning, organisational structure, and practices of regulatory bodies established through legislation, such as the Turkish Press Association and RTÜK, plays a crucial role. From this perspective, the present study aims to elucidate the effects of these institutions on the journalism profession and press freedom, ethical problems from a professional standpoint, reasons for their existence, and the objectives they pursue. Furthermore, the study attempts to explore the concerns posed by these organisations regarding the development of the journalism profession and press freedom. The research addresses whether Turkish media regulations align with the universal values of journalism and evaluates the subject from a broader perspective. In conclusion, the research endeavours to contribute to future policy-making and research by establishing an ethical framework for journalism and press freedom. It seeks to assess whether Turkish media regulations are in harmony with the universal values of journalism and aims to provide insights for future policy development and research in the fields of journalism and press freedom.
From the Turkish Press Association to RTÜK: An Examination of Regulatory Bodies Established Through Legislation in the Turkish Press in Terms of Press Freedom and Ethics - Türk Basın Birliği'nden RTÜK'e: Türk Basınında Kanun Yoluyla Kurulan Denetim Kuruluşlarının Basın Özgürlüğü ve Etik Bakımından İncelenmesi © 2023 by Mustafa Demirel is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International 

Turkish Press Association, RTÜK, Self-regulation, Freedom of the Press