When the studies on the Prime Minister Adnan Menderes were examined, it was determined by us that the education life was not handled independently and this study was written. Adnan Menderes starts primary school in the local school. Adnan Menderes continued his secondary education in İzmir İttihat ve Terakki High School, which is known as İzmir Girls' High School in 1910. Later, he enrolls in the American College in Kızılçullu, which will allow him to meet Celal Bayar, but while he was studying in his last year, the First World War broke out in 1916. Menderes is summoned to the reserve officers training station on the Anatolian side of Istanbul. He leaves school in last year and goes to the army. However, when the train caravan that Menderes was in set off to fight the Syrian-Palestinian front, Menderes caught tropical malaria and and he continues duty behind the Izmir Front. A law is enacted for students who could not finish high school in the Republican era and they are considered to have finished school. As a result, with this high school graduation arrangement, Adnan Menderes was accepted as a high school graduate in 1932, while he was a member of Aydın, and enrolled in Ankara Law Faculty and completed his education in three years.
The School Years Of The President Adnan Menderes; From Neighborhood School To Ankara Law Faculty - Başvekil Adnan Menderes’in Okul Yılları; Mahalle Mektebi’nden Ankara Hukuk Fakültesi’ne © 2023 by Bircan Kayacan Cangul is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
Adnan Menderes, Local School, İttihat ve Terakki High School, Kızılçullu American College, Ankara Faculty of Law.