Women journalists face big problems when performing their profession. The biggest factor in the formation of this problem is the negative judgments that the gender and patriarchal structure of society creates against women. In addition, one of the elements that do not allow women journalists to perform their professions is the regimes that have developed in the context of the phenomenon of religion; one of these regimes is the Taliban today. In this context, the aim of the study is to reveal the actions taken by the Taliban, which lost its power in 2001 and then regained control in Afghanistan on August fifteen, 2021, through the pressures and obstacles imposed by Afghan women journalists not to perform their professions. Turkish August sixteen to September one, 2021, the study examined the news texts published on T24, Kronos, Mediascope, BBC News Turkish and Universal news sites about Afghan women journalists dec Turkey. The news texts subjected to the study were evaluated using the qualitative content analysis method. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the Taliban administration prevents and suppresses women journalists from performing their professions in various ways. These obstacles and pressures at the beginning of the Taliban's violence to women journalists, threatening to prevent the screen out, to be taken to the place of work does not allow you to appoint others in their place, the confiscation of tools such as a camera, media managers is to harass and verbally warned by the militants.
The Pressures and Obstacles of the Taliban on Afghan Women Journalists Not Practicing Their Professions - Taliban’ın Afgan Kadın Gazetecilerin Mesleklerini İcra Etmemesine Yönelik Uyguladığı Baskılar ve Engeller © 2023 by Fatma Abdukaya is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 

Taliban, Women Journalists, Profession, Obstacle, News Sites