
Higher Education And Technical Universities In The Period Of Adnan Menderes

Adnan Menderes, who served as the prime minister between 1950 and 1960, achieved guiding results for the purpose of raising educated youth, which is essential for the improvemet of the country. Thanks to the importance given to education during the Adnan Menderes period, the transfer of resources to this field, the awareness of the public, and the orientation of the youth, the number of the three universities in which he came to power was increased to seven, while the foundations of the universities to be established in the following periods were laid. In addition, the institutions of those years gained a founding experience in higher education in Turkey thanks to their universities, and they also house the academic infrastructure of today's universities. In this context, he played a major role in the foundation of Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) in Trabzon and Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara, in order to educate new generations with the most advanced Technologies, especially for technical universities. As a result, two more technical universities in Turkey were established 180 years after Istanbul Technical University with the support and encouragement of Adnan Menderes. The main purpose envisaged here is not only to teach science in developed countries, but also to establish educational institutions that produce science and lead it around the world, and both universities have achieved their founding goal.

Higher Education And Technical Universities In The Period Of Adnan Menderes - Adnan Menderes Döneminde Yüksek Öğrenim ve Teknik Üniversiteler © 2023 by Pınar Zarif Tapkan is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International 


education, technical university
