In the digital communication era we are in, the news production process and journalistic activities are intensively supported by digital media. Digital media facilitates access to data in the news production process and enables the data to be classified and conveyed to the reader in a plain way. Since there is intensive use of data in types of scientific news, visualizing the data in this news is important for the comprehensibility of the news narrated. Infographic news enables the narration of data by supporting it with visual elements. Today, infographic news, which publishers also include under a separate tab on their web pages, play an important role in understanding the subject of the news easily through visual elements and attracting the attention of the reader/user. Recently, infographic news about earthquakes and natural disasters in the world and Turkey are frequently encountered in digital media. In this study, earthquake-themed infographic news in Anadolu Agency and TRT News, which are among the important publishers in the field of infographic journalism, were evaluated by content analysis method. In the light of the findings obtained from the research, it was observed that earthquake-themed infographic news mostly provided general information about earthquakes occurring in Turkey and the world. Awareness-raising and mobilizing information about the risks of earthquakes, what to do at the time of occurrence and how to minimize the damages after the earthquake were rarely included in infographic news. In addition, it was revealed that the data sources on which these news reports were based were also limited, even though they contained rich visual elements on the subject.
Reading Earthquake News in Digital Media through Infographics: The Case of Anadolu Agency and TRT News -Dijital Medyada Deprem Haberlerini İnfografikler Üzerinden Okumak: Anadolu Ajansı ve TRT Haber Örneği © 2022 by Simge Deniz Demirel - Petek Durgeç is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 

Digital Media, Disaster Journalism, Earthquake News, Infographic, Risk Communication