Introduction: In the face of any situation a person encounters, he has three behavioral reactions as submissive, aggressive, and assertive. Being submissive and aggressive in human relations is not a desired behavior. Assertiveness is protecting one's own rights while compromising the rights of others. Since 2011, thousands of Syrians have immigrated to Turkey. Being sensitive to cultural differences, it is important for Arab children to learn assertive behavior in new settlements. Objective: The Behavioral Tendency scale in Children was first prepared in the United States by Deluty (1979). This measurement tool was adapted to Turkish by Uşaklı (2006). In this study, it is aimed to adapt the Turkish adaptation of the Child Behavior Scale to the Arabic adaptation studies. Method: The Turkish version of the Child Behavior Tendency Scale was translated by three different Arabic native speakers. The Arabic scale translation, which was created by the joint efforts of experts, was applied to 202 Syrian children aged between 9 and 13. The same scale was applied to the same group at three-week intervals. Conclusion: The percentage of agreement between experts and the content validity index is 82%. Test-retest method was used to estimate test measurement reliability. The test-retest reliability for the measurements of the test is .84. Similar scales test studies are recommended for this test.
Arabic Adaptation of The Children Action Tendency Scale - Çocuklarda Davranış Eğilimi Ölçeğinin Arapça Adaptasyonu © 2022 by Hakan Uşaklı is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
Submissive, Aggressive, Assertive, Arabic Adaptation